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Grand opening of CK WORKSPACE

What an evening it was! When the guests came in downstairs, the
craftsmen were still putting the finishing touches on upstairs. We love these moments of a new opening.

On November 10, the time had finally come. After several weeks of construction delays, we were able to welcome the first guests to
CK Workspace. For us, the opening of our
new co-working space was something very special. It was a bit of a merging
of the old and new world.

Unterschleißheim's mayor Christoph Böck, who took over the opening remarks,
also spoke about the importance of combining old and new economy. 

The first guests in our premises were correspondingly diverse. It was
wonderful to meet former business partners from the construction industry, long-established
tenants of the building on Franz-Lehner-Straße, but also many friends from
the startup scene, such as Mariana Bozesan, or of course the Female Investors
Network around Svenja Lassen. How nice that you were all there!

We were especially pleased that some of Conny's and Katja's startups were also there
. Two of them made a first-class pitch and thus already inaugurated our
first pitching area. The room will be called "Shark Tank" in the future and will be available for
bigger meetings, but also for startup pitches. Thanks Sven
Maikranz from "upstrive" and Tim Kirchhoff from "traplinked", the community was really
excited about you! 

Our first tenant Sebastian Kleins, who has already extensively tested our
"telephone booths," is also very enthusiastic. They offer enough
possibilities in the Open Space to make undisturbed phone calls or to hold an online meeting. The
new Community Kitchen and our Chillout Area were also duly inaugurated.
Our interior designer Philipp Breitwieser from "philsolutions" was as happy as we
with his work. We now can't wait until the first tenants move in from December 1st

Speaking of December 1. On this and the following day, you will have the opportunity to see the
CK Workspace at our open house and to extensively test every office, every
meeting room. Katja, Conny and our Operations Manager Philipp
Rupprecht will be present on both days and will personally guide you through the rooms