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CK Workspace Gründerinnen Conny Hörl & Katja Rhunke vor Betonwand

Unsere neueste Investition: Complori

Wie ihr wisst, sind unsere Gründerinnen Conny und Katja nicht ’nur‘ Unternehmerinnen aus Leidenschaft, sondern investieren auch in die Ideen und Unternehmen anderer, indem sie als CK Venture Capital GmbH

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Business Angel 2023

As you may know, our founders Conny and Katja are not only a perfect team as siblings and entrepreneurs, but also as business angels since 2019. The two are 2019

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Grand opening of CK WORKSPACE

What an evening it was! When the guests came in downstairs, the craftsmen were still putting the finishing touches on upstairs. We love these moments of a new opening. On November 10 it was

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Construction progress

Dear community, the construction is progressing with great strides. Today we would like to share with you a few impressions. Before we do that, again for those of you who have seen the

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