Strong women, exciting conversations and good food.

This was once again the program at this year's Female Investors Dinner in Salzburg.

As you know, we are passionate about impact investing, inspiring female power and diversity in the investment scene. This is exactly why we created this dinner and are overjoyed and also a little proud that we have managed to implement this idea so successfully.

On 06.03.2024, the eve of the Salt21it was that time again, and we gathered on the Steinterrasse in Salzburg to exchange ideas, get inspired and bring established business angels together with potential future investors J

In order to initiate as much networking as possible, we applied a 'change tables' principle - a kind of speed dating for female investors J

Of course, a few start-ups sharing their experiences should not be missing at such a dinner - after all, you have to get a taste of what working as a business angel entails.

We hope that many of the potential new business angels have gained the necessary impetus from this evening to take the plunge into the investment world. Because that is exactly the goal! To encourage other women and provide them with the necessary insight and networks to establish themselves as investors in the investment world. We are already looking forward to next year